Don’t drop that chandelier

Many owners of crystal chandeliers avoid the job of cleaning their prized possession because the thought of taking each crystal down and washing them individually is an arduous task. You also don’t want to be in a situation when you take part in a real recreation of the famous Only Fools and Horses scene where a beautiful chandelier comes crashing to the ground. Thanks to TV Aerial Installation Cardiff companies, like this scene is still one of the most popular of all time.

To avoid becoming the real-life Del Boy here we take a look at the different cleaning options.

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In essence, whether you own several antique crystal chandeliers or an inexpensive modern one, the key is to clean little and often with a feather duster. That way, dust particles won’t dull the crystal drops.

How often should you clean your crystal chandelier?

Check when your crystal chandelier was made. Those that were made within the last ten years need less cleaning because they have a coating on them that helps to repel dust. As soon as it starts to lose its sparkle and shine, you will know it is time for a clean.

The drip-dry approach made easy

Use a crystal cleaner or glass cleaner and take the following steps :
•       Switch off the ceiling light.
•       Remove the lamps and plug the sockets so liquid can’t get into the connections.
•       Place a covering on the floor to soak up any excess water.
•       Use a generous amount of spray all over the chandelier and allow it to fall off naturally; this will take the dust with it.
•       Use a dust mask and make sure the room is well ventilated.
•       Allow the light fitting to dry out completely before putting the lamps back in place.
•       Wipe the bulbs and switch on. Your chandelier will be sparkling again!

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The glove method

  •      Wear white cotton gloves and use chandelier or glass cleaner. Again, make sure the electricity is switched off.
    •       Use a step ladder and position it under the light fitting. Place your fingertips in the solution and run along each crystal strand.

    The complete removal

In some cases, the only way to clean a chandelier is to wash each drop by hand. It’s worth taking a photograph of the chandelier so each one is put back in the right place. You can even watch a video.

Remove each one and clean in warm soapy water before rinsing in cold water. Dab each one dry and replace. The process will be worth it!
Finally, remember to dust every week and undertake an annual thorough cleaning. Then sit back, relax and enjoy!

Why green plants are great for the office

Scientific studies have shown the positives of having greenery in your office. Here are seven benefits of indoor plants.

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1 Stress reduction

In 2010 the new University of Technology, Sydney investigated workers introduced to plants. Scientists noted a 37 percent plunge in anxiety; a 58 percent dip in depression; and a 44 percent lessening of hostility.

Researchers commented on the ability of plants to lift staff spirits and promote wellbeing.

2 Productivity boost

When just a few plants enter the workplace, productivity leaps 15 percent, according to the University of Exeter, in 2014. Memory retention and other basic functioning improve too.

3 Less absences

A Human Spaces report in 2015 studied 7,600 office staff worldwide. It discovered that almost two-thirds of workers lack plants in their offices. Workspaces hosting natural elements had a 6 percent higher productivity score and a 15 percent greater wellbeing rating.

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Plants may help to banish sick building syndrome. The Agricultural University of Norway discovered that introducing plants to an office is associated with a 25 percent decrease in illnesses, including concentration problems, fatigue, dry skin and irritated eyes and nose.

4 Green workspaces attract staff

Biophilic design – decor inspired by nature – continues to be compelling. A third of people are influenced by workspace design when accepting a job, and companies that promote a green environment win out.

When entering an office, plants and reception chairs make a big impression. For ergonomic solutions to impress your visitors, see reception chairs available here.

Nature at Work recommends some healthy practices:

5 Air purifying

Plants absorb unwanted carbon dioxide and combine it with light and water to produce energy (photosynthesis). They also clean the air of chemicals such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and benzene. Palms are best for processing carbon dioxide, but any medium-sized plant (above 20cm) will deplete chemicals.

6 Noise reduction

Plants absorb sound, helping to reduce background chatter. Placing large pot plants around the edges of a room yields the best results.

7 Enhance creativity

According to the Human Spaces report, employees with access to natural elements rated 15 percent higher on creativity.

Attention restoration theory proposes that viewing nature can encourage a different neural processing mode, promoting relaxation and better concentration.

Good plants for workplaces include succulents, peace lilies and rubber plants.
